Flutter command not found

Error: Flutter command not found

Step 1- Go to the directory where you have your flutter SDK and copy path upto bin folder and run the below command

        export PATH=[DIRECTORY_PATH]/flutter/bin:$PATH

        For Example->  export PATH=/home/abhi/Downloads

Step 2- Now Check for your bash file (Write below command on terminal)

        nano ~/.bash_profile

Step 3- If you get the below error you need to run 'sudo apt-get install ia32-libs'command  and restart terminal, else you can skip this step.

        ‘bash’: No such file or directory
        * /bin/nano*
        * /usr/bin/nano
         The command could not be located because '/usr/bin:/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.

        run command-
        sudo apt-get install ia32-libs

Step 4- If it shows the below error then run 'sudo apt-get install curl' command else can skip this step.

        Missing "curl" tool. Unable to download Dart SDK.
        Consider running "sudo apt-get install curl".

        run command-
        sudo apt-get install curl

Step 4- Now Run- 'flutter' command

Hope this will work now!!

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